Residence Life
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Family Housing Guidelines and Policies

Terms and Conditions



  • Bike racks are provided throughout the complexes for bike/e-bike/e-scooter storage.
  • Adult bicycles/e-bicycles/e-scooters, tricycles, wagons, and collapsed strollers may be stored in the racks or on the balconies (South Wymount only), not in the stairwells or landings.
  • Children's bicycles/e-bicycles/e-scooters, tricycles, wagons, and collapsed strollers may be placed on the balconies or under the stairs provided the items do not impede egress paths or result in cleanliness community concerns. Items are not permitted on the landings.
  • Abandoned bikes/e-bikes/e-scooters are removed annually in October by University Police.
    • Additional information pertaining to the bike clean-up will be provided to tenants through the message board under the "Account" tab.
  • Push scooters, skateboards, longboards, roller skates, roller blades, inline skates may be used on-campus and can be stored in apartments and bedrooms.
  • One wheel boards, hover-boards, segways may be used on-campus, but cannot be stored in bedrooms or apartments due to potential fire hazards created by the battery. These items may be stored in indoor bike storage areas. Tenants should contact their area front desk for more information.
  • Residence Life has very limited outlets to charge rideables in indoor bike storage areas. Tenants should consider this before bringing a rideable that requires charging.
  • Rideables must not be operated or ridden inside the buildings.
  • Please click here to view the BYU Traffic, Parking, and Rideables Policy.

Domestic Violence

  • Domestic Violence is any violence/physical harm or threat of violence/physical harm by a person to another with whom he or she is living.
  • Domestic violence negatively affects the academic and spiritual wellbeing of both the family involved and their neighbors.
  • Domestic violence is not tolerated in Brigham Young University Student Family Housing and will result in termination of the rental agreement.
  • Organizations within the University provide help and information for students with concerns about domestic violence. The following is a list of resources:
    • University Police: (801) 422-2222 -
    • Women's Services and Resources: (801) 422-4877 -
    • Counseling and Career Center: (801) 422-3035 -
    • LDS Family Services: (801) 422-7620
    • Title IX: (801) 422-7256
    • Area Community Aides


  • As needed, the Student Family Housing Office will distributes a one page newsletter to all tenants via the message board under the "Account" tab.
  • Tenants are responsible for knowing the information found in the newsletter.
  • Tenants should pay special attention to this information as any amendments to the Student Family Housing Guidelines and the tenants' rental agreement will be relayed through the newsletter.

Parental Care

  • Tenants enjoy a friendly atmosphere in Student Family Housing and are welcome to use the common areas of the complex (playground, basements, etc.) consistent with the housing guidelines as interpreted by Student Family Housing.
  • The atmosphere is enhanced when family members do their part in supervising their own children at all times. Unsupervised children are a risk to themselves, other children, and can disturb the peaceful atmosphere of Student Family Housing, especially in the playground areas.
  • Parents must remain with their children in the playgrounds, Multi-Purpose Buildings, basements, laundries, and around other housing areas.

Parking & Trailers

  • Tenant vehicles must be properly registered through the university’s Traffic Office.
  • Parking registration can be accessed at
  • Cars, trucks, motorcycles, motorized vehicles, etc. are not allowed in stairwells, landings, dwellings, or on the complex's walkways or balconies.
  • Student Family Housing does not provide space to park unregistered, unlicensed, or inoperable vehicles or to store trailers, RV's, etc. Such vehicles may be towed from the parking area at the owner's expense at the discretion of Brigham Young University Student Family Housing and University Police.
  • Light mechanical repairs to vehicles while in the parking lot may be done (not to exceed 24 hours). Vehicles cannot be left unattended while on jacks for safety purposes. Tenants will be charged for any damage to parking surfaces from fluids, parts left on the ground, or hazardous materials not properly disposed of.

Quiet Hours

  • Tenants have the right to peaceful enjoyment of their living areas.
  • Quiet hours are between 10:00 pm and 8:00 am daily and are in effect 24 hours a day during exam preparation days and final exam days.
    • During the specified quiet hours, tenants must avoid unreasonable noise and any other disruption of privacy.
    • Any prolonged or excessive noise or disturbance at any time, which unreasonably interferes with the peaceful enjoyment and rights of other tenants, will be grounds for termination of the rental agreement.
  • Tenants who are suffering from excessive noise should respectfully speak with the offender one-on-one to resolve the concern. Tenants who are unable to come to an agreement may call the Community Aide for assistance.

Recreation Areas

  • Student Family Housing provides recreational lawns, picnic tables, barbeque grills, playground equipment, basketball courts, and volleyball courts for family and community activities.
  • Tenants should be considerate of others in the community by cleaning up after activities.
  • Barbeque coals should be extinguished, and grills should be cleaned after using the barbeque.
  • Personal barbeque grills must be at least 20 feet from any building when in use.


  • The University prohibits on-campus solicitation in order to protect the privacy and ensure the safety of each tenant.
  • Solicitors should be reported to the Community Aide, the Student Family Housing Office(s), or the University Police.
  • Tenants approved for any "in-home" business may not use the dwelling address to advertise the business. The above soliciting restrictions apply.

Stairwells, Balconies, & Landings

  • Tenants who share stairwells and balconies need to show respect for each other by making certain that these areas are kept in order.
  • The stairwells, landings, and sidewalks that lead to the main walkways are considered common areas.
  • These common areas must provide a safe egress path.
  • Stairwells and landings will be swept and/or power washed during the spring and summer months as staffing permits.
  • Tenants are encouraged to be proactive and work with others in the community to maintain the order and cleanliness of the stairwells, landings and walks.
  • During the winter months, the grounds personnel will clear snow from the main walkways.
  • Tenants are responsible for clearing the sidewalks from their dwelling out to the main walkways using the snow shovel provided in each stairwell. Tenants should not use the provided snow shovels to chip ice on the sidewalks.
  • Children are not to intrude upon the privacy of neighboring tenants by accessing their balcony.
  • Tenants should be sensitive to their neighbors by not shaking rags or rugs from windows, stair ledges, balconies, or landings.
  • Below are a few of the items not allowed/allowed in the common areas of the residential complexes (balconies, stairwells, landings, walks, etc):
Stairwells Balconies
Items NOT permitted under stairwells: Items NOT permitted on balconies:
Exercise equipment All furniture not classified as patio furniture
Large barbeque grills larger than 12" x 20" Appliances
Propane tanks larger than 16oz Tires/auto equipment & supplies
Adult bikes Boxes/cardboard
Boxes/cardboard Exercise equipment
Garbage/garbage can Garbage cans/diaper pails
Diaper pails Gas cans/flammable liquids
Papers/newspapers Mops/brooms/cleaning supplies
Mops/brooms/cleaning supplies Papers/newspapers
Tires/auto equipment & supplies Storage units
Appliances/furniture Items permitted on balconies:
Shelving Air conditioners
Tools Toys in an orderly fashion
Dead plants Bikes
Gas cans/flammable liquids Cinder blocks - neatly stacked no higher than railing
Items permitted under stairwells: Coolers
Children's bikes and tricycles Small barbeques - propane tank detached
Toys in an orderly fashion Planting pots - place on the floor
Children's wagons Shelving - no higher than window ledge
Small barbeques - propane tank detached (16oz cylinders) Patio furniture
Small camping coolers Neatly organized storage containers
Folded/collapsed strollers only
Neatly organized storage containers
  • Children's Bicycles, tricycles, collapsed strollers, wagons, and small coolers may be kept under the stairs or on the balconies.
  • Barbeque grills are not to be stored or used in the stairwells or on balconies.
  • Second and third floor balconies have egress fire pathways between dwellings. These areas are to remain free of any items. Walkways next to railings must be kept clear of all objects in case of an emergency.
  • Temporary small storage lockers can be arranged through the Wymount Terrace Office for a monthly fee.

Waste Removal

  • Tenants may not allow diapers, recyclable items (such as newspapers or cans), or other waste products to accumulate in or around the dwelling, stairwells, or balcony areas.
  • Tenants can dispose of garbage in dumpsters located near their residential building.
  • Tenants may not leave their garbage outside of the dumpsters. (Small children who are unable to lift the lid on the dumpsters to place the trash inside should not be sent to take out the trash.)
  • Recycling bins are located near many of the dumpster areas. Tenants should be careful to place recyclables in the appropriate receptacle.
  • Tenants are responsible to dispose of large items. Furniture such as couches, chairs, dressers, bed frames, mattresses, etc. are not to be disposed of in or around the dumpsters.
  • Tenants will be charged a removal fee for abandoned items.


Eligible Tenants

  • Families must fall into one of the following categories to be eligible to live in Family Housing at Wymount Terrace and Wyview Park:
  • Married couples (with or without children).
    • Both spouses must reside in the residential dwelling.
    • The spouse of the student is not required to be a Brigham Young University student, but the spouse must have a Brigham Young University NetID and must sign the Housing Agreement.
    • Here is a link for spouses who need to create a Brigham Young University NetID.
  • Engaged couples.
    • Engaged couples must provide an availability date which is no more than 30 days prior to their marriage date. For example, tenants who are getting married on January 30 may submit an agreement at any time, but only for a residential dwelling with an availability date of January 1 or later.
    • The fiancé of the student is not required to be a Brigham Young University student, but the fiancé must have a Brigham Young University NetID and must sign the Housing Agreement.
    • Here is a link for fiancés who need to create a Brigham Young University NetID.
  • Parents with one or more dependent children.
    • The child must reside in the apartment and the parent must have full custody of the child.
  • Parents, siblings, and other relatives of the tenants are not considered members of the immediate family and are not permitted to reside in the dwelling.
  • Prospective tenants are encouraged to become familiar with both the Wymount Terrace Terms and Conditions or Wyview Park Terms and Conditions (PDFs) of the Housing Agreement and all of the BYU Student Family Housing guidelines.

Credit Hour Requirements

  • At least one spouse must be an admitted university student and enrolled in at least the number of credits hours indicated below (Independent Study credits do not count toward this requirement):
Student Type Fall Semester Winter Semester Spring Term* Summer Term*
Undergraduate Students 9 credits 9 credits 4 credits 4 credits
Graduate Students 2 credits 2 credits 2 credits 2 credits
*During Spring and Summer Terms, tenants are not required to be enrolled if they have been a tenant of Brigham Young University Student Family Housing as a full-time student (at least 9 credits for undergraduates or 2 credits for graduates) for the previous two semesters and they will be a full-time Brigham Young University student in the Fall semester.
  • Admitted Brigham Young University students may count Brigham Young University Salt Lake Center credits toward the minimum credit hour requirement.
  • Those enrolled in classes as post-baccalaureate, concurrent enrollment, or BGS students may submit a petition to the Housing Review Board requesting eligibility to live on campus. Petitions are reviewed on a case by case basis.
  • Those attending the English Language Center are not admitted to Brigham Young University, and are therefore not eligible to live on campus.
  • Those attending the Brigham Young University Salt Lake Center, but who are not admitted to the university, are not eligible to live on campus.

Occupancy Limits

  • The following restrictions apply to the number of occupants per apartment:
Apartment Size Maximum Number of Occupants
One-Bedroom Apartments Maximum of two Occupants
One-Bedroom Apartments with Study Maximum of four Occupants
Two-Bedroom Apartments Maximum of four Occupants
Three-Bedroom Apartments Maximum of six Occupants
*The number of maximum occupants allowed may vary, depending on dependent children’s ages.


Air Conditioning/Heating

Wymount Terrace

  • Wymount Terrace dwellings do not provide air conditioning.
  • Portable refrigeration (A/C) units and evaporative coolers may be used as follows:

    Window-Mounted A/C Units

    • We highly encourage residents to use window-mounted A/C units. They are effective and provide efficient cooling without compromising interior air quality or safety. When installing a window-mounted A/C unit, a drill-less window support bracket is required. As recommended by the manufacturer, it must support the unit’s weight while allowing proper ventilation. The window support bracket must not screw or anchor into the window frame or the building structure.
    • Here is an example of a bracket system that works well:

    Stand-Alone Portable A/C Units

    • Due to serious safety concerns, one-tube stand-alone A/C units are prohibited in BYU Family Housing apartments. This type of A/C unit can create negative pressure inside the apartment, which may cause carbon monoxide (CO) to accumulate. For your safety and the safety of others, one-tube stand-alone units are no longer permitted for use under any circumstance.
    • If you prefer an interior stand-alone unit, it must have a separate air intake and exhaust system with two individual tubes configured through an open window. This design ensures proper venting, maintains adequate air circulation, and supports a safe environment.
  • Plexiglas must be used to cover any open sections of the window for both stand-alone portable A/C units and window-mounted A/C units. Plywood, cardboard, and any other materials are prohibited from being used around the window and A/C unit.
  • Improper installation or use of A/C units that require necessary repairs will result in a charge to the tenant’s student account.
  • If an evaporative cooler is used it must have a tank designed to be filled by hand. Connecting an evaporative cooler to an existing water line is prohibited.
  • For all heating concerns or problems, contact Physical Facilities at (801) 422-4411. Qualified technicians will be contacted to service the gas furnace and water heater. Tenants should not attempt to adjust or light the pilot lights. The water heater has been pre-set to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Filters will be regularly exchanged. This service is provided so that the heating units operate with maximum efficiency.

Wyview Park

  • Wyview Park has central air conditioning.
  • Contact Auxiliary Maintenance at (801) 422-4411 for all heating problems. Qualified technicians will come to service the gas furnace and water heater. Tenants should not attempt to adjust or light the pilot lights. The water heater has been pre-set to 120° Fahrenheit. Filters will be regularly exchanged. This service is provided so that the heating units operate with maximum efficiency.


  • Changes, alterations, or additions to the dwellings are not permitted, including, but not limited to, painting and installing or replacing appliances and fixtures.


  • Each dwelling has a clipboard outside the door. This clipboard is for On-Campus Housing, Community Aide, and Ward use only.


  • Tenants are welcome to use freestanding racks inside their dwelling.
  • String clotheslines inside or outside of the dwellings are not permitted because of the damage they can cause.


  • Floors consist of vinyl and carpeting. These coverings are durable and should require only normal care and attention for proper upkeep. Floors should be vacuumed, swept, and mopped regularly.
  • Tenants should not use waxes on the vinyl surfaces while cleaning floors. Waxes and cleaners not specifically designed for vinyl floors may damage the flooring materials. Tenants should refer to labels on cleaning products to make sure they are designed for the floor material in the dwelling.
  • Care should be taken to avoid putting heavy, caster-wheel furniture on the vinyl. Tenants will be charged for any dents, scratches, and marks on the floor resulting from such use.
  • Student Family Housing dwellings have carpets in the living rooms and bedrooms. The University's professional carpet cleaning personnel will clean the carpets three times a year. Tenants may choose not to have their carpets cleaned that often, but carpets must be cleaned at least once a year.
  • Stains and spills must be cleaned immediately to prevent setting of the stain. After tenants have done their best to remove a stain they should call the Custodial Office in their area (Wymount Terrace 801-422-4180, Wyview Park 801-422-9247) for further direction. Tenants will be charged for any permanent stains or other damages to the carpets.


  • Dwellings are furnished with a gas or electric range, a refrigerator, Levolor® blinds, and carpeting.
  • Furnishings may not be removed from the dwelling except by authorized Housing personnel.
  • Furnishings must be left in their designated locations.

Kitchen Counter Tops

  • The counter tops are heat resistant, but they will burn or scorch.
  • Stainless steel inserts are provided in some dwellings as "hot spots" where hot pans may be placed (South Wymount Terrace only).
  • Both the counter tops and the stainless steel "hot spots" will scar if used as cutting surfaces.
  • Tenants who burn, scorch, or scar the counter tops will be charged for/towards replacement.

Lighting & Electrical Fixtures

  • Tenants should contact Auxiliary Maintenance at 801-422-4411 for fluorescent light replacements, appliance bulbs, or for electrical repairs.
  • Tenants should replace any burned out light bulbs prior to moving out (60 watt light bulbs are recommended).
  • Tenants can help eliminate electrical difficulties by taking normal precautions with appliances (not overloading outlets, keeping water away from electrical fixtures, etc.).


  • Tenants are required to keep premises, furnishings, and fixtures in good, safe, and clean condition.
  • Tenants should not attempt repairs themselves. Tenants should report any needed repairs to Auxiliary Maintenance at 801-422-4411, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm for emergency maintenance after hours, on weekends, and during holidays, tenants should contact University Police at 801-422-2222.
  • The University reserves the right to enter dwellings with reasonable notice (12 hours) for preventative maintenance, improvements, inspections, or to show the unit.
  • Work orders called in will be considered as notice that University personnel may enter the premises during reasonable hours to make necessary or agreed repairs without further notice. This includes information listed on tenants’ check-in form, which will be reviewed after tenant turns it in to the Wymount Terrace or Wyview Park office.
    • Maintenance requests that tenants have recorded on their check-in form will be submitted on the tenant’s behalf.
  • University maintenance personnel do not work on an appointment basis. In an emergency, the university may enter the dwelling at any time without prior permission.
  • If tenants refuse to allow the university access as provided herein, the university may immediately terminate the rental agreement, remove the tenants from the rental space, and charge the tenants for all related damages.

Nail Holes

  • Tenants are permitted to have a maximum of four nails/anchors in each room of the dwelling (including nails or anchor bolts already present when they move in).
  • Tenants will be charged a repair fee for each additional hole when they move out.
  • Tenants should not patch holes in the walls of their dwelling, as a larger fee will be assessed for nail holes that have been filled.


  • A university maintenance crew will inspect and paint (if needed) all dwellings prior to the arrival of new tenants.
  • Tenants should not paint their dwelling.
  • Wallpaper, borders, and contact paper are not to be used on the walls or other surfaces (such as on shelves or inside drawers).
  • Charges will be assessed to the tenants student account to repair, texture and paint surface areas.



  • Care should be taken so that foreign objects are not flushed down the drains or toilets. Foreign objects can clog the system and cause inconveniences.
  • Tenants should call Auxiliary Maintenance at 801-422-4411 to fix clogs, dripping taps, leaks, or any other plumbing problems.
  • Tenants may also call University Police at 801-422-2222 after hours.


  • The garbage disposal will operate effectively as long as it is used to dispose of only soft-textured food wastes. Keep a large stream of cold water running into the disposal unit during use. The water acts as a lubricant to the grinding process and flushes the ground waste away.
  • The kitchen sink may become clogged if solid items (such as pits), extremely fibrous items (such as corncobs, celery stalks, or banana peels), or bulky materials (such as large amounts of fruit, vegetable peelings, or egg shells) are forced into the disposal.
  • Under no circumstances should plastic bags, foil, or other non-food items be placed in the garbage disposal.
  • Care should be taken to prevent children from operating garbage disposals or from placing hard items, such as silverware, in the grinder.
  • Absorbent foods (such as rice) clog the pipes and should not be dumped into the garbage disposal.

Windows & Screens

  • Most windows and screens are removable and may be taken out for cleaning. They may not, however, be left out of the window frames.


Missing Student Policy

  • All official missing student reports will be referred to the University Police immediately. The university will also notify the person identified in myBYU Personal Information as the Emergency or Missing Person Contact, the parent or custodial guardian of students under 18 years of age, or both within 24 hours after determining a student is missing.
  • Students who believe a student is missing should immediately alert one of the following:
    • University Police Department.
    • Dean of Students' Office.
    • Office of Residence Life or any of the housing complex central buildings.
  • For more information visit the Campus Crime Awareness, Prevention, and Reporting Policy

After a Natural Disaster

  • As part of the Emergency Response Program, Brigham Young University has an emergency response plan that will be implemented in the event of an earthquake or other natural disaster.
  • The Emergency Response Program involves all appropriate campus departments, university wards and stakes, and supporting off-campus agencies, however, the success or failure of the university’s emergency response plan also depends on the actions of individual tenants.
  • The following information will help tenants avoid injury and help the university to return to normal operating procedures following a disaster in the shortest possible amount of time:


Tenants should:

  • Listen to the radio for emergency information.
  • Not use the telephone, except to make emergency reports. If the line is busy, tenants should take a handwritten note to University Police in B-66 ASB.
  • Not spread rumors. They often do great harm after disasters.


Tenants should:

  • Evacuate the building immediately.
  • Not jeopardize their life or the lives of others in attempting to save personal or University property.
  • Keep streets clear for emergency travel.
  • Not wander around disaster areas.

First Aid

Tenants should:

  • Check their immediate area for injured people.
  • Render assistance, but do not exceed their training or knowledge when attempting to render first aid.

Food and Drink

Tenants should:

  • Not eat or drink anything from open containers near shattered glass.
  • Only drink clean water. If water service is disrupted, emergency water can be obtained from the water heater, toilet tanks, refrigerator, canned foods, etc.
  • If the power is off, plan meals using foods from your refrigerator or freezer that may spoil quickly. Tenants should keep the doors shut on these appliances.


Tenants should:

  • Check for fire hazards.
  • Clean up spilled medicines and other harmful or hazardous materials as soon as possible.
  • Check closets and storage areas, opening doors carefully to avoid falling objects.
  • Wear shoes to avoid injury from broken glass.
  • Be prepared for aftershocks that are usually weaker than the main earthquake but may cause additional damage.


Tenants should:

  • Keep a flashlight handy.
  • Check utilities and appliances for damage.
  • Not operate electrical switches, telephone, or appliances if gas is leaking.
  • Not touch power lines or objects touched by power lines that are down.
  • Check to see if the sewer lines are working before flushing toilets.

Candles and Incense

  • Tenants may not burn candles or incense due to potential fire hazards and smoke damage.
  • An alternative to candles and incense are electric candle warmers. These devices melt the wax, but there is no flame.
  • Electric candle warmers should never be left unattended, and extreme caution should always be used.

Earthquake Procedures

  • Most casualties from an earthquake result from falling objects caused by partial building collapses, weakened masonry, broken light fixtures, and flying glass.
  • Other sources of injury are overturned bookcases, fire from broken gas and power lines, and accidents caused by people panicking.
  • Tenants should remain calm and help to reassure others.
  • Tenants who are indoors should stay away from windows and mirrors. Stairwells can also be dangerous.
  • Tenants should get under a table, desk, or bed in a corner (away from windows), or stand under a strong doorway (assure that the door does not slam shut on your fingers).
  • When outside, tenants should move rapidly but cautiously to an open area away from hazards.

Fire Lanes (North Wymount Terrace)

  • Tenants may use the fire lane for loading and unloading while moving in or out only.
  • A permit from the Wymount Terrace office is required for fire lane use.
  • Access to the fire lane is reserved for emergency vehicles and university maintenance; therefore, arrangements for use of the fire lane at other times must be made by contacting the Community Aide for that area and setting up a time to use the fire lane.
  • Fire lanes are not to be used for unloading groceries or parking.
  • A $50.00 unauthorized use of the fire lane will be assessed to the tenants student account.

Fire Safety

  • To prevent fires in Student Family Housing, tenants should observe the following safety guidelines:


  • Landings, balconies, common areas, stairwells, and the fire ways of balconies (outer railing) between balconies must be kept clear.
  • Tenants should report any damaged or missing fire equipment.

Extension Cords

  • Tenants who use extension cords should keep the number to a minimum and use only UL-approved cords in good condition. Frayed or worn cords are dangerous.

Flammable Materials

  • Tenants should not store empty boxes, paper, or other flammable products such as gas cans, lighter fluid, or large propane tanks outside or inside of the dwelling.
  • Flammable products stored in common areas are subject to removal and disposal charges may be assessed.
  • Live Christmas trees are not permitted. Artificial Christmas trees treated with a flame retardant are permitted inside the dwelling.

Open Flame

  • Incense, candles, or any open flames are not allowed in Student Family Housing.
  • The usage of barbeques must be at least 20 feet away from the residential buildings.
  • Barbecues should never be left unattended.

Smoke Detectors

  • Smoke detectors should not be covered, blocked, or unhooked.
  • Tenants should not remove batteries from smoke detectors at any time.
  • If the smoke detectors "chirp," tenants should notify Auxiliary Maintenance at 801-422-4411 so the batteries or detector can be replaced.
  • Smoke Detectors are tested annually by Auxiliary Maintenance, Risk Management, and the Community Aide. Tenants may test their own smoke detector by pressing the clear button only.
  • Tampering with any university safety device will result in a repair/replacement charge to the tenant’s student account and rental agreement may be terminated.
  • Fire extinguishers are provided in the stairwells for tenants to use. To operate a fire extinguisher tenants should follow these instructions, which are printed on the extinguisher:
    1. Break the glass
    2. Pull the pin
    3. Aim the extinguisher at the base of the flame
    4. Squeeze the handle
    5. Sweep with a side-to-side motion

In case of a fire, tenants should take the following steps:

  1. Pull the alarm, warn other tenants, and leave the building. Pulling the alarm may NOT notify the University Police or the Fire Department.
  2. Move away from the building.
  3. Call the Fire Department. Dial 911 and give as much specific information as possible. Stay on the phone unless instructed otherwise.
  4. Tenants should not try to put out a serious fire themselves. Tenants should leave the building and wait for the fire department to arrive.

Tenants who hear the fire alarm should:

  1. Close dwelling windows and doors as they leave—if time permits and safety is not jeopardized.
  2. Walk or crawl (if there is smoke) to the nearest exit.
  3. Do not go back into the building until a fire officer or a police officer says it is safe to do so.
  4. Dial 911 to make sure that emergency personnel are aware of the situation.


  • Guns and other weapons, such as large knives, bows and arrows, swords (including decorative weapons), and paint guns are not allowed on university campus.
  • Any firearms, pellet guns, BB and paint guns, wrist rockets, slingshots, and other similar items, as well as ammunition, cannot be stored in the dwelling or on site in Student Family Housing.
  • Violators will be referred to the University Police and the university’s Honor Code Office (Policy Information), and the tenants rental agreement may be terminated.
  • For more information visit the Firearms and Weapons Policy


Discontinuance of Subleasing Program

  • Effective Spring Term 2020, the sublease program of Student Family Housing will be discontinued. It is no longer sustainable for current tenants in Student Family Housing to assign a sublease to a secondary party which exceeds the contracted terms of their original housing agreement. The Student Family Housing current contracted term is a 30 day notice.
  • The month-to-month structure of the agreement allows sufficient flexibility and meets the needs of the majority of tenants. It is possible that this change may impact future housing plans for some current tenants. For this reason, we have issued this notice well in advance of implementing the change.
  • Tenants of Student Family Housing are authorized to maintain their current contracted apartment while they are living out of the area. If tenants choose to terminate their agreement, with the idea of returning to Student Family Housing in the future, they may reapply. This may require some advance planning. We encourage tenants to consider submitting their names to the Campus Accommodations waiting list up to eight months prior to returning from their internship, study abroad, or other semester away experience to increase their chances of securing a contract.
  • Tenants of Student Family Housing are in breach of contract if they allow guests to stay in their apartment or seek to sublease their apartment in any way, including but not limited to Air B&B, Home Stay, etc. If you have additional questions, please contact the Student Family Housing Manager at 801-422-6171.




Business Licenses

  • The University is a private institution and does not allow tenants to use university residential addresses for business purposes.
  • Tenants must submit a written request to the Housing Review Board to seek authorization to obtain a Provo City business license, and, if authorization is given, the tenant is required to obtain a Post Office box to receive correspondence.
  • Supplies or materials cannot be stored in or distributed from the dwellings. This applies to businesses such as Mary Kay®, Discovery Toys®, Tupperware®, Pampered Chef®, day care, and any other form of business.


  • Student Family Housing is not designed for guests who intend to stay for extended periods of time. Guests are welcome at any time for visits of two weeks or less per semester.
  • Guests must adhere to all university standards during the course of their visit. Tenants are obligated to inform their guests of this responsibility.
  • Tenants are responsible for their guests and any damages that may result from their visit.
  • Tenants must be present during their guests' stay; tenants may not have guests stay in their dwelling during the tenants' absence.
  • Guest's animals are not permitted in the dwelling. There is a $50 per animal per day charge for unauthorized animals and rental agreements may be terminated.
  • There is a $40 per person per night charge for unapproved extended-visit guests.

Insects, Rodents & Pest Control

  • Tenants who have made every effort to solve an insect or pest infestation, and who continue to have problems, may contact Auxiliary Maintenance personnel at 801-422-4411. Auxiliary Maintenance will arrange assistance from a professional company that comes once a week.

Lawns & Planting

  • The University Physical Plant is responsible for landscaping, planting, and maintaining the grounds at Student Family Housing.
  • Tenants are not permitted to plant flowers, shrubs, vegetables, etc. around their individual dwellings.
  • Small potted plants may be placed on balconies or landings, provided they sit on the ground.
  • Plants may not hang outward over the balcony or landing railings.
  • The University Grounds Department will mow and trim lawns on a weekly rotation basis. Tenants should take extra care to make certain their family's toys, bicycles, etc. are removed from the lawn area.
  • Tenants may not engage in any activities that would harm the landscaping. Cars, trailers, trucks, etc. are not to be driven on the lawn areas at any time. Golf practice is not allowed in the housing area at any time.