Residence Life
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On-Campus Off-Campus Account


Check-In Dates

Women's Conference and Education Week

  • Housing assignments will be emailed out one to two weeks before the conference starts and will include information on where conference guests may check in and get their key for the housing area they are assigned to.
  • Conference guests may call the phone number posted on the Area Central Building front door if they arrive after the office has closed and a Residence Life staff member on call will come check them in.


  • FSY/EFY check-ins will occur on Monday mornings.
  • FSY/EFY participants should check their email from FSY/EFY for their camp’s specific check-in location and time.
  • Once checked in, FSY/EFY participants will be directed to their assigned residence hall where Residence Life staff will ask to see a valid guest card (which FSY/EFY participants will receive at the conference check-in).
  • FSY/EFY participants must have their guest card in order to get their room key.

Sports Camps

  • Most sports camps check-ins will occur on Monday mornings.
  • Sports Camps participants should make sure they check their information packet for their camp’s specific check-in location and time.
  • Once checked in, Sports Camps participants will be directed to their assigned residence hall where Residence Life staff will ask to see a valid guest card (which Sports Camps participants will receive at the conference check-in).
  • Sports Camps participants must have their guest card in order to get their room key.

Youth Workshops/Dance Camps

  • Most youth workshop and dance camp check-ins are on Monday mornings.
  • Camp participants should make sure they check their information packet for their camp or workshop’s specific check-in location and time.
  • Once checked in, camp participants will be directed to their assigned residence hall where Residence Life staff will ask to see a valid guest card (which participants will receive at the conference check-in).
  • Camp participants must have their guest card in order to get their room key.

Early Arrivals

  • Early arrivals are not available.

Late Arrivals

  • Any conference guests arriving after the conference check-in has closed is considered a late arrival.
  • After the completion of the conference/camp check-in, the sponsoring department takes all unclaimed participant housing and meal cards to the housing area main desk.
  • Late arriving conference guests should report to their housing area's central building to pick up their card and registration packet. This will allow them to fully check in to their room.
  • If the conference guest arrives after office hours, the head counselor of the camp or conference should be contacted.

Check-Out Dates

  • For most conferences, guests should check out by 9:00 am on the last day of their conference.
  • No exceptions can be made for late departures.
  • Conference guests staying at Heritage Halls should be picked up in the parking lot east of the J. Reuben Clark Law School, as parking within the complex is severely limited.
  • Instructions for checking out of on-campus housing are posted in each bedroom.
  • Conference guests should report any lost items or damages that occurred during their stay and make arrangements with the hall or area desk for payment.
  • Upon checking out conference guests must return their key. Guests who do not return their key will be charged a $30 replacement fee. This fee covers the cost of replacing the lock, which is done within 24 hours of the key not being returned at check-out.